Sunday 30 September 2012

The Fault In Our Stars (John Green) Review

I don't know where to begin in reviewing this book, I think it is so beautiful and well written that I can not write anything that will do it justice but I will try my best.

This book is about Hazel Grace Lancaster a girl who has terminal cancer and knows she is going to die, at Cancer Support Group she meets Augustus Waters and eventually they fall in love. I can't say a whole lot more without going into spoilers but this book was special to me. It made me grateful for the life I have and it made me appreciate being a healthy person. There are elements of death and illness in this book but it is not depressing I smiled as I watched the characters develop and live their lives although there was always a hint of sadness especially reading about Hazel because we know she is terminal. 
The characters in this book are people to be looked up to as they are coping with a horrible disease and are still able to find beauty in the world and in people.
I loved all the characters in this book all except Van Houten who just annoyed me to no end. I did not cry and I was surprised at that because most people I've spoken to about this book said they cried but there was too much goodness and beauty in this book that when I began to tear up I thought about all the great time and special moments and it warmed my heart.
I recommend this book whole heartedly and if you only ever read book be sure this is the one you pick up!

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